Over the next 24 hours, I will be posting about several emerging authors who are quickly rising up the book charts. I am an avid book reader, so I am excited to learn about these authors and their books, and I hope you are too.
A Pilgrimage to Iceland by John C Willhelmsson
In an age where the definition of family is in question, the role of the father is in doubt, and pride in one’s cultural heritage is in decline, comes the touching and true story of “A Pilgrimage To Iceland.” After the sudden loss of his father a son recalls a trip they had planned to make together. A trip to his father’s homeland of Iceland 50 years after he had left. In his grief the son decides to set out upon the journey alone in order to honor his father’s memory. To set out upon a pilgrimage to Iceland…(pictures & large print).
The author reflects on writing A Pilgrimage to Iceland
Check out all the Emerging Author Spotlight Posts