Superhero movies are beyond popular in movie theaters, streaming services, and home DVD collections. People will watch superhero movies, purchase various merchandise, and let the world know how thrilled they are about their favorite characters. What draws people to these fictional entities? Let’s see why people love superheroes in the paragraphs below.
Respite From Life
Ah, the daily grind: Monotonous, mundane, and soul-killing. Whether you’re being detained by work or school, there isn’t much time left at the end of the day to do anything else other than sleep. Oh, wait, you can start up a superhero film to make the rest of your night full of joy and cheer. Indeed, sitting down for an epic superhero film does allow you to escape from the constant hum of daily life. One of the newer superheroes hitting the market is Madame Web, a movie featuring famed actress Emma Roberts.
Engrossing Story Lines
A superhero wouldn’t truly be one without an epic backstory. Each superhero has his or her background — a tale of woe that brought him or her to a lackluster state. In some seemingly random catastrophic event, the protagonist undergoes a dramatic transformation that brings them into the superhero state they are in today. The deeper the storyline the hero touts, the more the audience can relate to and become magnetically drawn toward.
Interconnected Universes
A lone superhero can do wonders, but being connected to several other superheroes within a gargantuan universe certainly strikes awe. Now, you can see how your favorite superhero fits into the grand scheme of things and how he or she helps the world at large. Additionally, favored superheroes of your friends can team up to fight evil together!
Wide Variety of Superheroes
Some superheroes can fly, while others can breathe underwater or breathe fire. As the years progress, fans are now seeing different types of characters with abilities that rock the world, and with accompanying storylines that make each movie worth watching. You get your pick of superhero to watch or follow, so take your time to check them out to see which one resonates with you most!
Superhero Movies Are Popular for Many Reasons
It may or may not take a lot for a person to like a movie, but one thing is for certain: Superhero movies are as popular as ever. Fans can’t get enough of high-flying, fireball-spewing, and weapon-wielding characters from all walks of life. No matter which superhero you choose to watch, you are joining a very diverse and fanatic crowd much unlike yourself.