A few weeks ago I wrote about a new monthly subscription service called TasteGuru for those of us who are Gluten Free. I placed an order that very same day (3/20), and just received my box today.

Here is what came in the box:




Udi’s Blueberry Cashew Granola Clusters (11oz) – Retail value $6.99

Snikiddy eat your vegetables chips (4.5oz) – Retail value $3.59

Lillabee Classic Yellow Cake Mix (17.1oz) – Retail Value between $7.99 and $9

Justin’s all-natural Milk Chocolate Almond bar (2oz) – Retail Value $2.29

Licious Organics Honey Cookies Cranberry Almond (1oz) – Retail Value $1.15

Sun Cups (1.5oz) – Retail Value $1.45

Enstrom Peanut Toffee Single (.75oz) – Retail Value $.95


*All retail values were from searching the web for the products. They may be higher, or lower in some cases.


So as you can see, I paid $24.99 for the box and its value is spot on. I am excited to try all of the products since there are a few I haven’t heard of until now.

For those who have Celiac, and need to restrict their diet like I do, TasteGuru is an awesome program to try new gluten-free products you might not otherwise heard of, or could find in your area.