This week on The Viewwe are stuck with repeats. Although I did not see Monday or Tuesday’s episode, Wednesday’s was the Jeremy Piven episode that I feel like I just saw last week (it was two weeks). I guess my only complaint about repeats is the amount of time before they run them again. I noticed that the night time talk shows so the same thing, they run repeats too soon. I know it probably has to do with how relevant the shows are and how time related they are, so showing really old shows just don’t make sense, but still.

Anyway, the ladies from Sex and The City were on Monday’s show. They looked amazing! Kim Cattrall just looked stunning for being in her 50’s – go Kim! I have to admit that I haven’t seen either of the Sex movies but was and still am a big fan of the show. I always related to the women since I sort of had my own little version of the show when I was in my early 20’s. I moved to DC in 1991 when I was 20 and lived a life that I will never forget. I had always wanted to be that “City Girl” who had her own apartment, a great group of girlfriends and just lived life to the fullest and I can honestly say that I did!

Tuesday that had another repeat that I hadn’t seen with Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan chatting about their Karate Kid movie. Don’t get me wrong, they were both great and Jaden is a cutie but I have  real problem with Hollywood remaking movies and totally changing them, you can see one of my very first rants about that here.

Russell Brand is on tomorrow show, didn’t see that one, so I am looking forward to it, he is crazy and I’m sure he will test the boundaries with the ladies.

DISCLOSURE – I was given financial compensation from ABC Daytime to write this blog.  My reviews and recommendations are always my own and represent my genuinely held opinions.