Today is an 80’s kind of day for me, first I was playing Asteroids on Facebook and now I am writing about Sugar Free Ring Pops!
Do you remember these from when you were little? I do! I love nostalgic candy, and this one brings back great memories. Ring Pops were one of my favorites…. I used to pretend that I was a Princess and that the rings had magical powers 🙂 I also used them as huge wedding rings, which I’m sure lots of little girls did and still do to this day.
Now I am giving them to my kids. My youngest loves Ring Pops, he asks for them every single time he spots them at the store. I was happy to find out that they now have Sugar Free Ring Pops, so not only are they now sugar-free, they are also fat free, tooth-friendly, and only contain 30 calories per pop! ** Sweetened with Splenda.
As soon as I received the bags today, my son was ready to open them. So he chose his favorite flavor, Strawberry and we made this little video for you:
Sugar Free Ring Pop comes in a bag of three delicious flavors: Blue Raspberry, Strawberry and Watermelon. You can find them at Walmart and BJ’s stores nationwide and they are also available at and
They would be a great edition to your next children’s party. Use them as favors for a Pirate themed party, a princess theme or just as everyday treats. I think I’ll use them for treats for when the boys have friends over. Use your imagination, I’m sure your kids will love getting them for any occasion.
(10 winners will each receive One (1) bag of Sugar Free Ring Pops containing three pops in the flavors above)
TO ENTER: *MANDATORY* Leave a comment telling me What Would You Do With Oodles Of Sugar Free Ring Pops!?
EXTRA ENTRIES ** For each entry, please leave a SEPARATE comment with information you performed the task. All entries will be checked! Must leave a comment saying you did each one, not just I entered 🙂 Thanks!
- Like Free Sample Momma on Facebook (This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook)
- Like Ring Pop on Facebook (This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook)
- Share this post on Facebook *Easy way to share is to just click the share button at the end of this post (Leave the link to your share. Can share once a day!)
- Follow Free Sample Momma on Twitter – PLEASE LEAVE YOUR TWITTER ID.
- Tweet the following “Win a bag of Sugar Free Ring Pops – *10 Winners! via @freesamplemomma”
- Giveaway will end on June 24th, at 8 pm est.
- Giveaway is open to the United States Only.
- 10 winners will be chosen using “And The Winner Is “(Random).
- The winner(s) will be notified by email and will have 48 hours from the time the email is received to claim their prize or another winner will be chosen.
Disclosure: Ring Pop provided me with the two free products to facilitation my review. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.
I would give them to the girlscouts, my daughter is a Daisy!
I like Free sample momma on facebook
What I would do with oodles of sugar free ring pops is use them as rewards for my boys for good behavior and doing their chores!
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I would eat them and share them with my friends at college. All of our hard work deserves a treat!
I would give them to my son…& myself!! LOL
I would keep them all to myself..for they are sugar free! lol
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ID handle is jackiemarino1
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I would give them out as party favors at my 3 year olds bday party coming up! SUGAR FREE, their parents would LOVE ME! lol
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I would give them to my children and nephews (and maybe even sneak a couple for myself and my Sisters).
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TAKE THEM TO MY KIDS ROLLER SKATING PARTY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ am a fb friend too
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im following you on twitter with Sadieb63
I would give them 2 my 2 year old and 9 year old to put big smiles on their faces.
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I follow Sample Momma on Twitter and my id is sweethonesty76. Thank you : )
I would share them with all my little nieces & nephews!
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I would give them to my five year old son and let him share with his friends.
I like Free Sample Momma on FB!
Following you on Twitter..mc6974 is my name. I also did everything else. I would let my 14 year old son have them. He loves them! Since they are sugar free…even better!!
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I would use them to keep my kiddos occupied!
I would give to my kids and have them share with their friends too.
I liked RingPops on FB
I would give them to my neices and nephews. Every time I travel home I always bring them a sweet treat and it would be nice to give them something that would not get them hyped up on sugar and drive their parents crazy lol!!!
OHhhh what I would do with Oodles of Sugar-Free Ring Pops. Let’s see – definately have to share with the family, and would be great while gardening, mowing the yard, on road trips, relaxing at the beach, and even while driving the tractor baling hay. So many possibilities!
I “Liked” Free Sample Momma some time ago and continue to enjoy reading the updates : )
I liked Ring Pops before but now I officially “Like” Ring Pop on Facebook.
I’m excited, now following Free Sample Momma via Twitter. (Mistylilac06)
What Would You Do With Oodles Of Sugar Free Ring Pops!? I would share them with my kids .. this was one of my fav candies as a kid =)
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like ring pop on FB =)
I actually have a friend who has 2 little girls, and she just left her husband due to adultery, she is extremely broke and those girls and herself have nothing. I would give them to her for those girls 🙂
I would eat them! haha. And, share with anyone who wanted some, but my family doesn’t care much for candy, except for me.
My kids would love to win these!
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I would be the ‘cool mom’ and send the ring pops to my son’s summer day camp as a special surprise!!
shared on my facebook page 🙂
(i dont know how to leave the link to my share??)
We would show off our diamond ring kids love these.
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I would eat them! 🙂
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We have a small family reunion in about a month and I’m making 8 baskets of GOODIES for the few kiddo’s I would give these treats to the little princess’s !!
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what would I do with them? I would TRTY and hide them from my grand daughter and EAT them!..(she would get them)
I would hand them to the kids as a special treat at the park
fan of free sample momma on facebook
fan of ring pops on facebook
Shared your link on FB.
What would I do? I have a 5 yr old; need I say more? I’ll hide the ‘Mother Load’ in a SAFE and let him have a Ring Pop hunt (if they are in 3pks)~ he can share the other two with his cousins! 🙂
I follow Free Sample Momma on Twitter: MerrieLock
I would share them with the kids in my pre-k class that I teach! I follow you on twitter now…fordchik126
I would share them with my kids and save at least one for myself. 🙂
I would have some of the neighborhood kids ( the young ones, 7 – 11 ) do something nice for someone and then give them each a ring pop for doing something nice for another person.
I followed, liked and tweeted ( ) all of the above steps were done!
wlth 00dles 0f sugar free rlng p0ps l w0uld glve them t0 my chlLdren and actually n0t w0rry ab0ut them gettlng hyper l0l
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If I had lots of ring pops I would give them out to my students! I am a kindergarten teacher and they love ring pops….and sugar free is even better because i’m all about healthy teeth too:-)
I Love Free Sample Momma on Facebook she is Awesome! Always hooking up the great deals!
Also love the idea they would make Ring Pops Sugar Free!!
I like u on fb and twitter 😉
Just love having friends around the pool and enjoying RING POPS. What a GREAT TREAT!
-I would give them to my Nieces and Nephews!
aliaskys (at) yahoo . com
Thank You!! 🙂
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-Facebook Name: Francine E.
aliaskys (at) yahoo . com
Thank You!! 🙂
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-Facebook Name: Francine E.
aliaskys (at) yahoo . com
Thank You!! 🙂
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***Twitter Name: BeautyToLove
aliaskys (at) yahoo . com
Thank You!! 🙂
I am getting married next month and we once joked that we would use Ring Pops if we needed to so if I won I would play a joke and use one at first! Then the rest I would let my girls have! LOL
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I am following Free Sample Momma on twitter. My twitter id is rstuck2003
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I would use these when I keep kids at church to keep their little mouths quiet lol no really!
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I shared the link with a little help from you
If I won a bag of ring pops, I’d give 1 to my daughter then hide the rest for myself!!!! hahaha
Follow you in twitter, joceline26
I like Ring Pop on Facebook, joceline26
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Share on Facebook link!/Joceline26/posts/155583321179207, joceline26
liked on FB & I actually tweeted for you lol
I watch 5 year old twins and only allow them to have sugar free candy, so I know Julain and Sophia would love Sugar Free Ring Pops, I tweeted for you too!
I would share the ring pops with my kids they love these!!!
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Posted on my wall 🙂
I have 3 little boys who get enough sugar in their diet so this would be great. Also their Nana is diabetic so they could share their loot with her too…:)
I liked sample momma on FB
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I have a daycare center. Sugar free ring pops would be an ideal treat. They are safe and sugar free. Something all the parents would agree on.
I have a daycare center. Sugar free ring pops would be the ideal treat. They are safe, sugar free, and fun for the kids.
If I had oodles of sugar free ring pops, honestly, I would keep them all for myself and eat them. (:
Already liked Free Sample Momma on FaceBook.
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Already following you on Twitter. My ID (I hope that means username) is Jirachi68106.
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Give them out at my daughter’s upcoming birthday party
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Hollie S.
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I would give them to my kids while we’re at the lake as a sweet treat! Hmm…I wonder if you can freeze them!
I like you on FB (Heather (Martin) Leffel)
I like Ring Pops on FB (Heather (Martin) Leffel)
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I would love to win these! I love candy, but do not need the sugar. I would make sure to always have a few pops in my purse to curb my sweet tooth and I may even share a few with my 2 kids. LOL
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Jo Griffin
If I had oodles of Sugar Free Ring Pops I would share them with my friend.
I follow you on Facebook under the username likwan.
I follow Ring Pop on Facebook under the username likwan.
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My sunday school children would love them!
I would give them to my nephews
I would pass them out to neighborhood kids.The kids around here dont get treats very often:(
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My kids would love them!
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I would share them with my kids that are not allowed to have sugar do to health reasons!yay!sugarfree. we are friends with you free sample momma and ringpops on facebook.facebook name starr willette and follow u on twitter.!/starrwillette
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I liked Ring Pop on Facebook
I shared it on Facebook as well..
I would share these rings with my son.. I used to LOVE these when I was a kid…
I would share them with my kids friends when they come n play. The kids always ask for candy, now with sugar free ring pops i wont feel like i shouldnt give them any!!
I liked Ring pop on facebook!!!
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I would use the ring pops as prizes for potty training my daughter. I would have them in her goody bag, so when she goes she gets to chose something!
(fan on fb of yours and ring pops) Shared link as well! thanks!
and follow you on twitter and tweeted “Win a bag of Sugar Free Ring Pops – *10 Winners! via @freesamplemomma”!/starrwillette
i did all as asked! My son would love them!
I would give them to my 3 and 4 yr old without feeling guilty about it!
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I also “liked” Ring Pop!
I would keep them in our car so that when we come upon children at wrecks or house fires (my family are volunteer fire fighters) I would be able to give the children something to keep them settled without having to worry about the sugar.
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I would give them to my little brother:)
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give them to my daughter she loves them
I follow you on twitter with he name cateyes51771
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Use them to Pooty Train!!!!! Rewards!!!!
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by cateyes51771
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I shared on facebook Cathy Geiger
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Review & Giveaway – Sugar Free Ring Pops *10 Winners! -Free Sample Momma Blogs
Review & Giveaway: Sugar-Free Ring Pops *10 Winners
I would give them to my neices and nephews!!!
i have three children who would gladly take their share. i’d keep the leftovers (:
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follow on twitter @atlmuzikfanzinc
If I had “oodles” of Ring Pops, I would hand them out at the campground we are going to next weekend! Nothing better than giving candy out to kids!! And being sugar free, I would let my kids have them too!
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