The global pandemic has changed the world as we knew it. From restrictions on where we can and can’t go, through to social distancing measures, we’re all having to adapt to a new world. 

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Whether you are in lockdown or not, COVID-19 will have some kind of an effect on your life whether it is financial, emotional, or physical. One thing that the pandemic has brought up is the need to look out for one another. You may be able to cope and adapt to the changing circumstances, however, there may be those around you that are not managing so well. 


Here are some ways that you can help others during the pandemic. 


Phoning Friends and Family

The people that you know may be struggling with isolation. Whether someone is very active normally or is used to spending more time at home, enforced lockdown situations can impact anyone’s mental health. 

Even if you think that someone should be fine in these circumstances, give them a phone call anyway. If nothing else, you’ll be helping to break up their day and relieve the boredom. 


Look Out For Older Relatives and Neighbours

Check on older people in your life. Offer to pick up shopping for them, call them up for a chat, or find out are senior citizens included in the stimulus package?

These times will be particularly hard for the elderly, and it is essential to take the time out and check in on them. The feeling of isolation can be very distressing, and with the added confusion and worry surrounding the virus it can add up to a very distressing time for older members of the community. Knowing that they have people out there who are thinking about them can help. 

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Connect Via Video Chat

Phone calls are helpful, however, video chats allow you to feel closer to the people that you are speaking with. Use services like Facebook video chat or Zoom to host group video chats with several other people. 


Plan Activities For Your Family

Keeping everyone in your home happy and motivated in a challenge. Create a list of activities that you can do for relieving lockdown boredom

Think about creating a schedule. It can be very easy to slip out of a routine and you will find yourself sleeping at odd times and not having much energy or motivation to do anything. Include some practical tasks such as chores around the house that need doing, as well as plenty of fun activities. Try and include some activities that can be done together so that you feel connected with each other. 


Volunteer Your Services

If you are at a loose end during the pandemic and you want to help others who are experiencing financial, emotional, or physical hardships as a result of coronavirus, why not volunteer?

There are food banks, soup kitchens, and healthcare organizations that will all benefit from your time and effort. Even a few hours a week will be a great help.