Image Allen Taylor on Unsplash

Over the past year, we’ve all spent more time at home than ever before. While this was an essential step in battling the COVID-19 pandemic, it also means that parents across the globe were tasked with finding new and inventive ways to keep their kids entertained indoors – which is often easier said than done. 

With that in mind, here are some fun and inventive ways you can keep your kids entertained when staying at home! 

  • Get online. There are plenty of fun games online designed specifically for kids – which can keep them quiet for a little while you focus on household chores or working remotely. Therefore, you can keep your kids entertained by allocating them a certain amount of screen time each day – using these top internet safety tips for parents to ensure they remain safe online.

  • Mobile Apps. Mobile apps and games are another great way to keep your kids entertained – and many of them have educational benefits. For example, the games provided by companies such as Playphone allow children to compete against their friends, socialize and learn something new. You can find more about what they have to offer by checking out these Playphone reviews.

  • Bring the movie theaters to you. Set aside some time one weekend and turn your living room into a home movie theatre. For example, you can print out ticket stubs online and set up a candy stand where your kids can help themselves to candy, sweet treats, and even healthy snacks. This way, you can recreate the movie theater experience in your home – whether you’re watching the SpongeBob movie or the latest Disney+ release.
Photo by Maël BALLAND from Pexels


  • Encourage them to get into reading. Encourage your kids to set themselves a challenge to read more often. Whether they work their way through old favorites or start to get into comic books, reading is a great way to allow their imagination and creativity to thrive while developing necessary skills. 

  • Set up an obstacle course. Staying at home more often means that many of us have stopped moving as much as we used to, which could negatively affect our health. Get your kids up and moving and have a lot of fun by setting up an obstacle course through your home – using household items such as chairs, pillows, and blankets to pave the way. 

  • Host virtual playdates. Nobody has been able to spend time with their friends very much this year – but this lack of socializing can be tough on younger children who need to spend time with their peers to grow and develop. Therefore, you can make this time a little easier for them by hosting virtual playdates.

  • Put together a time capsule. Right now, we’re all living through a prolific moment in history. Therefore, it’s the perfect time to put together a time capsule with your kids that you can look back on in the future to remember what this time was like. For example, you could include newspaper cuttings, diary entries about what you did on a particular day, and photographs you may have taken during this time.