Do you have a tween? I do, he will be 12 in just 2 short months and on one hand I am thinking “how in the world do I have a tween?” Where did that time go? On the other hand there is the whole puberty thing that will happen and I as a Mom of boys am not ready. Are you?
As a Mom of boys I know that they will not feel comfortable talking about certain topics with good old Mom but hygiene issues are universal, at least I think so. That is why I think it’s great that Unilever, the maker of Degree, Dove and Suave deodorants, has created the site Don’t Fret The Sweat that helps parents talk to their tweens about how the right deodorant can keep them free from odor, embarrassment and discomfort.
I haven’t had to have the talk as of yet but I am sure it’s only a matter of time before I will have too (or hubby will have too, lol). Don’t Fret The Sweat is a great resource offering product recommendations via their product matchmaker which is pretty cool, they also offer valuable coupons so you can purchase the perfect match for your child.
My husband and I both like Degree, so I was happy to see that the recommendation for my son was Degree Silver Ion. I think if our son sees that we use that brand that he might want to emulate at least his father by using it. Degree is the only brand we will use since it has always been the best against odor and wetness.
If you have questions or want to learn more you can check out the Experts section, it has some great information about how to approach the subject with your child, which believe me, I know can be tricky.