Interview with the Star-Lord Himself: Chris Pratt #GOTGVOL2Event #GOTGVOL2

There is just something about being in a room with 24 other bloggers and having one of the biggest names in Hollywood come in the door and tell you how much he loves seeing us all!

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Photo credit Louise Bishop /

That is exactly what Chris Pratt did when he entered our room to be interviewed about Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.  He right off the bat wanted to know how we liked the film. We had seen it at the premiere right alongside him and his cast mates, unbeknownst to him.  He went on to explain that last night was the second time he had seen it and how relieved he was that people seemed to really like it.


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Photo credit Louise Bishop /


On Channeling anger for pivotal scenes

That’s something that for me as an actor is one of the hardest things for me to do, is channel anger, because I do it so rarely in my real life. Not saying that that’s healthy. Don’t really do it that often. I think often times that type of behavior’s really easy to do as an actor, for me at least, real natural stuff.

But for me to like look someone in the eye and yell at ‘em, and tell them what they did to me, that they wronged me, that I’m pissed off, that type of thing is not something I do that often. So, it’s hard for me to, it was hard for me to get there. And when you can’t like use just the natural empathy for your character that you’re playing, this character that you’re playing that you love and you have to have empathy for them, and then you feel their emotions. Because, you know, if that doesn’t work to get you there, you have to rely on some sort of tricks to work rather from the inside out, but from the outside in.

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©Marvel Studios 2017

On working with Kurt Russell

 Ah man, everyone on my team, everyone who’s been hanging out with him, they’re either just like, “He’s such a great dude.” I’ve heard a few people say like, “It really feels like you guys could be father and son.” We share a lot of the same passions. He’s a really cool guy. He’s a really open book. Definitely know where you stand with him. He tells it like it is and  I really like that.

Obviously, he’s like this iconic dude, who I’ve known about him for decades before he ever knew I existed, so there’s always that strange moment when you meet someone and you’re a big fan, you feel like you have to tell him, because otherwise you try to build a friendship and it’s a little inauthentic, you know? You just say, “Listen, I have to get this part out of the way, but I love you so much. You’re the best. You’ve always been the best.” And he goes, “Yeah, I know. Thanks.”


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Photo credit Louise Bishop /

Peter Quill/Chris Pratt’s favorite snacks (Chris is known for his What’s my Snack? videos on Instagram).

Peter Quill’s shirt in the movie, (referring to the image on the tee) if you see that, that’s his favorite snack, because that’s actually a label from, this is a little Easter egg, from the first movie. There was some candy on the table, and James really loved the label, the art department had gone the lengths of creating this language, and created a label for some candy. So he put that label on the shirt and that’s like a snack that Peter Quill likes to eat.

I’m like a cheese and crackers and Crudités guy, that kind of thing. If I could, you know, I’d just, I could live on that. I’d get fat

Review: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Better Than the First? #GOTGVOL2 #GOTGVOL2Event 7
©Marvel Studios 2017


On keeping fit

Well, if I’m gonna be fully authentic, I’m pretty careful about when I reveal myself to the public. So, and I do it in a way to make you think that I’ve kept it off the entire time, but I haven’t. You know? Seriously, like I kinda keep tight, close to what I need to be, but I have to live my life as well. So, when I do a shirtless scene, or I do a magazine cover, or I do a photoshoot that I know is gonna get a lot of press, I then dial it in so that I can take a good picture. The best way to think about it is not to have a goal of like a weight goal, that’s not my goal. My goal is six months. It’s like six months of consistency. Go to the gym, or do something every day for six months.


“You don’t have to be present to be a presence.”

On Being Authentic and Philanthropic

I actually credit Russell Wilson. I think I saw how he did it, and I was like, this guy’s awesome. He’s open about his faith. He is a superstar quarterback, and, you know, I have a pretty healthy and not that secret man crush on him. But I saw how he did it, and what he did up at Seattle Children’s Hospital. I remember around the time that I got Guardians of the Galaxy thinking to myself if this thing does what it could potentially do, and there’s a world where it would mean something for me to go do that, I’ll definitely do it, you know?

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Photo credit Louise Bishop /

On balancing Work, Family, Friends, etc.

Thanks for asking me that question. That’s a good question. I know Anna gets asked that question all the time, and she’s like, “How come no one ever asks you that question?”

We have help and we have to just plan everything. You manage it by just making sure everyone is doing what they need to be doing. You check in with everyone. I also have a staff of people who work for me, and it’s their jobs to make sure that I’m doing what I need to.

I just focus on what I can do. But I think you don’t have to be present to be a presence. Use technology, check in every day, and nurture your relationship with your spouse, and not making it just about the kids is important.

I think just like prioritize. Do your best.

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Photo credit Louise Bishop /


“Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” blasts into theaters on May 5th!