Your thirties are a fantastic time as a woman- you’re probably more confident and self-assured, earning more money and in a better place emotionally than you were in your twenties. But there are some things all women should be doing by the time they reach thirty, here are 4 examples.

Take care of your skin

Throughout your late teens and twenties, you might have had some habits when it came to your skincare. Falling asleep in a full face of makeup, spending time on tanning beds, not having a proper skincare regime and much more. Your thirties mark the start of changes in your skin, and it’s this decade that you’ll start seeing the signs of aging. To keep these at bay you should create a skincare regime and stick to it. Take your makeup off each evening, cleanse your skin with a gentle cleanser and exfoliate as often as needed depending on your skin type. In the morning, a light moisturizer will sit well under your foundation, in the evening, go with something richer that will sink in overnight, An eye cream will hydrate the delicate under-eye area. 


Take control of your reproductive health

No one likes the doctors, least of all when it’s a gynecological appointment. However, it’s a necessary evil and something you need to take responsibility for as an adult. Once your cervical screening appointment comes through from the doctor, get it done. In most cases, it’s over and done with before you know it and there’s nothing you need to do until the next one. If any changes are picked up, getting them treated early means it will never progress to cancer. When it comes to contraception, we draw the short straw as women. Hormonal contraceptives affect everyone differently, what works for your friend might not work for you. It can take some time to figure out what suits you, but doing so is important if you don’t want to have a baby right now.

Find healthier ways to relax

We all have some unhealthy habits we fall back on during difficult times, it could be anything from gambling to compulsive spending to binge eating. In more difficult times, you might have even gone through AA or a drug detox center. Life is always going to have its ups and downs, and if you don’t know how to properly manage then it can affect your health and you can even make things worse with your vices. Exercise, meditation and journaling are all examples of healthy ways to reduce stress.  Know when you need time to relax and unwind and switch off from the world, and don’t feel bad for doing so. 


Let go of toxic friends and family

One of the hardest lessons to learn in adulthood is that not everyone is as nice as you. There are people that are out for themselves, they’ll use you for their own gain or pleasure, they’ll knock your confidence or bring out the worst side of you. If someone drains you of energy, uses you for personal or financial gain or just seems to enjoy getting you down then let them go. As Oprah once said, surround yourself only with people that will lift you higher. By the time you reach your third decade, your circle is all about quality over quantity. Invest your time into genuine, decent friends that bring in the best in you. And you in turn, bring out the best in them.