Can you imagine a child in your neighborhood, maybe one that you see every day playing near your home, going hungry? It may never even cross your mind that this child doesn’t have enough food in the house, and his parents are struggling to make ends meet. The truth of the matter is, one in seven Americans are currently struggling with hunger, and the USDA reports that 15 million of them are children.
My husband and I have had some hard times, times that we didn’t even know if we would have food on our table to feed our two boys. Thanks to our family we made it through but many aren’t so lucky. Walmart is stepping up once again by working with suppliers and customer to help Feeding America secure 75 million meals on behalf of its member food banks. The “Fight Hunger. Spark Change” campaign will run in all U.S. Walmart stores through April 25.
I went to my local Walmart and as soon as I walked in the door we saw a huge sign, so don’t worry that you won’t find the products you need to purchase in order to help. There are five suppliers that Walmart is working with – the Campbell Soup Company, General Mills, Kellogg Company, the Kraft Heinz Company, and PepsiCo. Many products that I am sure you already purchase on a weekly basis, I know we do.
As we walked into the grocery section of the store there were very prominent displays showing the Fight Hunger. Spark Change. products. Most were on the ends of the aisles, so definitely easily seen. Also, many were packaged in either larger Family Size packaging, or had several products packaged together saving you even more money.
We picked up a few of our favorite dinner products and some breakfast favorites. As you can see, each of the products have the Fight Hunger. Spark Change. sticker on them to easily identify them. We purchase these items all the time so it was easy for us to make a donation in this way.
Here are three ways you can help today…
1 – Use the hashtag #FightHunger on social media – 1 online act of support = 10 meals!!
2 – Visit your local Walmart store and purchase one of the participating items, 1 item =1 meal.
3 – Donate money to Feeding America at the register inside Walmart Stores
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post for The Motherhood, Walmart and Feeding America. All opinions are my own