When I was approached by Lawhorn’s Signature Seasonings on Twitter to review their product, I was so happy to be asked since my husband is a huge steak lover and has been grilling what seems like every other night. I thought he would like to try Lawhorn’s instead of his normal salt and pepper regimen and I was happy to have something new to use to season my meals.

The first thing I did when I received the seasoning was read the ingredients: Salt, garlic, onion, pepper, spices, &  paprika. All seasonings I love, especially garlic, I use fresh garlic on everything! I also popped the top to smell and taste it before using it. I have to limit my salt intake, so that was a big concern for me, I was assuming it would be really salty like Season Salt, but I was wrong!

Lawhorn’s has 60-70% less sodium than regular season salts and is made from 100% All-Natural ingredients, no MSG, is gluten-free (yay, since I am gluten sensitive) and is certified kosher. All very good qualities!

So, hubby had some big ol’ steaks ready to go for dinner the other night and some burgers for the boys, so I thought it was a good time to try the seasoning.  I had my own Nutrisystem burger, so I sprinkled a little on mine to try it for myself. I have to admit that the applying of the seasoning on the boys burgers was done without them knowing it because they are really picky about seasonings, so this was about to be a true test. I also sprinkled some on the wedge potatoes I made for them, I’m sneaky like that 🙂

So the final test came when they were served thier food…. hubby loved it on his steak and I loved it on my burger but did the boys? Dun, dun, dun! They ate every last bite and even said it was the best burger and fries they ever had!  Operation secret Lawhorn’s Signature Seasoning was a success!!

I am very happy with Lawhorn’s and can see using it on a lot of items like veggies, chicken and steamed shrimp. Yum! The taste is awesome and nothing is overpowering, all of the flavors meld nicely together. Again, I loved the fact that it wasn’t too salty.

If you would like to learn more about Lawhorn’s Signature Seasoning, please visit their website and “Like” them on Facebook so you can follow the latest news.

You can also find out where to purchase their product or order online.

Happy sprinkling! 


Disclosure: I received a bottle of Lawhorn’s Signature Seasoning to facilitate my review. No other compensation was exchanged. All opinions are 100% my own and may differ from yours.

One thought on “Lawhorn’s Signature Seasoning Review”
  1. Diana,
    We are thrilled at your glowing review – so glad that you and your family enjoyed cooking with Lawhorn’s. BTW – Kids actually eat more veggies too when you cook it with the secret shaker!
    Thanks again,


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