I am happy and a little more than excited to announce my participation in the Kaplan Tutoring Test Drive Program with Mom Central.  Both of my children are homeschooled, so I am excited to have some extra help in making sure they are learning right on target.

Kaplan Tutoring is well-known for their online tutoring programs in math, reading and writing. The tutoring programs have the ability to track where your child is currently and where they need help by using  Smart Track technology which allows customization of your child’s needs. I love this feature and can’t wait to see how well it works for my children. This program is designed for children from K-8th grade.

The Kaplan Test Drive program begins with an online assessment, this is to get an idea of  where your child is currently. A lesson plan will then be created for each child and the parent can then receive progress reports to see how their child is doing. As your child progresses through the program, the material continues to adapt, becoming harder on topics your child masters, and easing back to accommodate struggles.

The program is fun, interactive and even has a Reward Zone, where you can redeem points for prizes. This will definitely help keep kids interested and wanting to come back and learn as much as they can. I am sure my boys will love this feature!

We will start The Kaplan Tutoring Test Drive Program on Monday, the 18th and will continue for 8 weeks. I will keep you updated with how we are doing.

Want to learn more? Visit Kaplan Tutoring today, it may be just what you are looking for!

“I wrote this review while participating in a Test Drive Program by Mom Central on behalf of Kaplan and received the products necessary to facilitate my review. In addition, I received a gift certificate to thank me  for taking the time to participate.”