FSM Media

by Dianna Ranere

Join Carla Crane Osbourne at Gonas Reading Ranch on YouTube

Ever since I was a little girl I loved reading and I would read everything!  My love of reading came from seeing my parents always reading, my Mom had a love for books as did my Dad and they had lots and lots of books.

As I became older and the internet came about (yep, I am that old) books kind of fell along the wayside, it was much easier to listen to audiobooks and or read things online.  When I had my boys I did make a point of always having books on hand but again, the internet was in full force and reading programs were very prevalent so I went with the times.

One of the ways I would get my boys interested in reading is YouTube, it’s a great way to meet a favorite author and get some insights on your favorite stories.

One author, in particular, Carla Crane Osbourne who wrote the wonderful book, Under The Barnyard Light, has started a YouTube channel called Gonas Reading Ranch that you should join, where kids can listen and read along as they immerse themselves in the creative world of storytelling.

Carla even reads her delightful book entitled Under the Barnyard Light, now on Amazon!

Under the Barnyard Light – Even in the dark of the winter, the animals need to be fed. Step into the magical world of a young girl on a farm full of small wonders. Beneath the barnyard light, feed warm milk to the calves, catch snowflakes on your tongue, and give a kiss to Dandy the horse.


Carla won the Silver Award for the 3rd Annual IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award for the Children’s Book category. Carla’s new series ‘Go Gona Go!’ is heading to the printer and will be released this fall so stay tuned!