A recent Twitter discussion between myself and a few other Twitter Moms had me pondering about feeling rewarded. As a mother, and a wife , I do what I do out of love, my children and husband are reward enough, so I really don’t seek any accolades there, they simply just have to be healthy and happy to be reward enough.

BUT as a working mother from home, I find that I miss the rewards of working for someone other than myself.  Sure, calling the shots, working when I want and answering to no one has its perks but there is something missing. I worked my entire life outside of the home and for the most part I enjoyed it. I loved keeping my mind busy and helping others and of course I love the good old pat on the back aspect of it, who doesn’t? People as a whole need recognition for their efforts, that what they are doing matters, if only to one person, it matters.

As a blogger, I feel like I am in this little bubble and people rarely step inside to say “Hey, good job, love what you are doing.”  Sadly, that’s a part of it I guess. Don’t get me wrong, I have my readers who love my posts and the offers I post and even tell me so and each and every time it makes me smile – it’s that recognition aspect.  But I crave more…….from whom, I have no idea but the need is there.

Sorry this post isn’t as eloquent as I wanted it to be, it’s kind of a brain flush of thoughts – I guess, my question to you, is how do you feel rewarded in your life for what you do, no matter what it is?