I LOVE Halloween! It’s my favorite holiday, always has been and my boys have developed a love for it as well, all though, I suspect for them it’s mainly about the candy.

So this year we needed new decorations and decided on a trip to Walmart. We decided to go with a graveyard theme after finding a  24-Piece Light-Up Halloween Tombstone Set at Walmart. It only costs $14.97 and for that price, you can’t beat it.

Looking at decorations online and knowing that my decorations from years past were on their last legs, I was discouraged at the prices I was finding. Seriously, who wants to pay 50 bucks for a blow up that will most likely get a hole in it? I don’t have that kind of money for decorations, even though, I have to admit, if I had disposable cash, I would probably buy them, shhh, don’t tell 😉

So using some of the decorations I found at Walmart, here’s what some of our Halloween decor look like:

Everything you see, besides the light, are from Walmart. The little fences were around $2.97, then the graveyard. The bigger skulls were around $15, and they attach to a fog machine, and look really cool when it’s all set up. We have a strobe light from last year that we will set up on Halloween night for an extra spooky look.

Here’s a closeup of some of the 24-Piece Light-Up Halloween Tombstone Set – the eyes on the tombstone light up red and move!

We also used some of the skulls we’ve had for a few years to “dress” up the stump we have – what do you think?

Overall, we didn’t spend too much money on decorations this year, we needed a change, so I’m happy with what we bought and that we can reuse them next year.

What do your Halloween Decorations look like?