Culturelle Tummy Truths Video Contest

Want to win a trip to Walt Disney World ® Resort theme parks for you and your family? Enter the Culturelle Tummy Truth Video Contest for a chance to win. All you need to do is “like” Culturelle on Facebook to get started.

Tummy Truths Contest Questions:

The best videos show kids just being kids. Put them in a comfortable setting, ask them any of the questions below (in a few different ways if need be) and let them have fun.

Encourage your kids to move around and be as animated as they want. Your job is to capture these great Tummy Truth moments on video.

  • What is the worst tummy ache you ever had?
  • If an upset tummy could talk what would it say?
  • Imitate the funniest noises that your tummy has ever made.
  • What’s happening inside you when you have an upset tummy?
  • How does an upset tummy make you feel?
  • Have you ever had really bad diarrhea?
  • Have you ever had lots of gas?
  • Has your tummy ever felt like a big balloon that’s going to pop?


  • To submit an entry you must be the parent or legal guardian of the child
  • You must be 18 years of age or older and a legal resident of the U.S.
  • No music in the background
  • No logos on clothing
  • One child in a video per entry
  • Video needs to be 60 seconds or less
  • Submission format can be .mov or .wmv
  • Before being posted to the video gallery, all videos will be reviewed to ensure that they meet all contest requirements.
  • Child must be between 3 and 12 years of age

Grand prize:
A family trip to Walt Disney World® Resort theme parks

  • 5 days/4 nights at Walt Disney World® Resort theme parks in Orlando, FL
  • Round trip coach airfare
  • Airport/hotel transfers

Two runner-up prizes:
Visa gift card and Culturelle Kids Probiotics

  • A $500 Visa gift card
  • A three-month supply of Culturelle Kids Probiotics
Check out the website for prize information and official rules

Facts About Probiotics and Culturelle Kids

Some facts about probiotics and Culturelle that you could include if needed around your giveaway of the products.


About Probiotics:

·      Good bacteria, known as probiotics can help eliminate the bad bacteria that cause stomach distress.

·      Probiotics support a child’s health by creating the proper balance between good and bad bacteria in their digestive tract.

·      70% of our immune system lives in the intestinal tract.

·      Research has shown that good bacteria can alleviate occasional digestive distress while supporting a child’s natural defenses.

·      The probiotic (or “good bacteria”) in Culturelle Kids is called Lactobacillus GG.

·      Lactobacillus GG is the #1 Scientifically Researched Probiotic.

·      Lactobacillus GG is the Proven Probiotic for digestive and immunity health.

·      Probiotic products for children vary widely, from the strain of probiotic to the number of live, active cells delivered at time of use.

·      Many yogurts contain probiotics. However, they don’t contain enough probiotics for you to see any health benefits.

·      Along with a balanced diet rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, a quality probiotic supplement can support a child’s healthy immune system.

About Culturelle Kids:

·      Culturelle Kids delivers billions of live, active probiotic cells in each packet and chewable.

·      Culturelle Kids Probiotics deliver more good bacteria than other brands, even more than yogurt.

·      To get the same amount of probiotics contained in Culturelle Kids, your child would have to eat a whole lot more yogurt — and a whole lot more unwanted sugar and calories.

·      Culturelle is one of the only brands that guarantees the purity and potency of its probiotic bacteria.

·      Culturelle is the only brand of probiotics in the US to feature 100% Lactobacillus GG.

·      Culturelle Kids is the #1 Pediatrician Recommended Probiotic.

·      Culturelle Kids contains no synthetic colors, preservatives, dairy, yeast, wheat, gluten or lactose.

·      Culturelle Kids Packets have received the Good Housekeeping Seal.

·      Culturelle carries the Gorbach Goldin Institute Label, which signifies that the Lactobacillus GG probiotics inside have met the highest standards of purity and potency.

·      Culturelle Kids Tagline: Trust Their Tummies to Culturelle.

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Win a Culturelle Probiotic Prize Pack

 Culturelle Tummy Truths Video Contest and Culturelle Probiotic Giveaway
(1 Winner will each receive (US Only): 1 Box of Culturelle Kids! Packets, 1 Box of Culturelle Kids! Chewables and 1 Box of Culturelle Digestive Health)a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I was provided with the products above by Culturelle.  All comments, ideas, and opinions are my own. This is accordance with Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of. Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.