Walt Disney Animation Studios’ comedy-adventure, “Zootopia” has broken records worldwide, earning nearly one billion dollars at the global box office to become the fourth biggest animated release ever. Critics and audiences of all ages have fallen in love with the wonderfully innovative mammal metropolis of “Zootopia” and the comedic chemistry of rookie rabbit officer Judy Hopps (Ginnifer Goodwin) and scam-artist fox Nick Wilde (Jason Bateman). In fact, critics have hailed “Zootopia” as one of the best films of 2016 and Richard Roeper from Chicago Sun-Times calls it “One of the best-animated films ever.”
By now you have most likely seen Zootopia in the theater and you know just how amazing it is, if not, here’s my quick review – See it, you will love it! Seriously, though Zootopia just hit the $1 billion worldwide box-office mark and with good reason!
Zootopia follows Judy Hopps (Ginnifer Goodwin), a bunny with a dream to be a police officer. She heads off alone into the big city to make this dream a reality. In Zootopia animals of all kind comingle, and live with one another whether friend or foe. She meets Nick Wilde (Jason Bateman), a slick fox who she just can’t seem to shake. Meanwhile, Judy isn’t treated seriously by the Police force so she takes on a case to prove herself. The story takes a bit of a dark turn but Judy, with the help of Nick, soldier on and take on the case with gusto!
I loved everything about Zootopia, the characters, the story, the animation, all of it was perfection!
Special FeaturesBlu-ray + DVD + Digital HD
Special Features
Zoology: The Roundtables – Actress Ginner Goodwin, the voice of Judy Hopps explains how the team of over 70 animators, through research, brought the animals of Zootopia to life. They explain how they first heard about Zootopia and how the project engaged them whether it was the concept of the animals living in a big city like real people, or an animal wearing clothes.
The Origin Of An Animal – They delve into what goes into telling the story. “Sometimes the movie you start out with, is not the movie you end up with” – Byron Howard, Director. You find out how the story gets it’s start from pitching John Lasseter to (usually they come up with 3 ideas to pitch, with this one they pitched him 6!). They all featured animals running around in clothing and that was exciting for everyone. See how this came about.
Research: A True-Life Adventure – Just as I spoke about in my interview with Zootopia Animators Renato dos Anjos and Chad Sellers, everyone had to learn how to make this city unique and to learn all about the animals featured in the film. Here they tell the viewer where they traveled to and what they did to make this film.
Scoretopia – We see Academy Award-winning composer, Michael Giacchino who gives us the behind-the-scenes look at how the score for Zootpia was created and why?
Deleted Characters – Do you ever wonder what characters didn’t make it into the film? We learned about a few that didn’t make the cut during our visit, but in this bonus feature Directors Byron Howard and Rich Moore introduce citizens of Zootopia you didn’t get to see like the Gerbil Jerks.
Deleted Scenes
- Alternate Opening – Young Judy Hopps rescues a fellow classmate and realizes she can reach beyond a life in carrot farming to a future in law enforcement.
- Wild Times! Pitch – Nick desperately pitches the bankers of Zootopia on funding Wild Times!, an amusement park made exclusively for the predators of Zootopia and a sure-fire, money-making scheme for Nick and his friends.
- Alternate Homesick Hopps – After a frustrating first day on the force, Judy has a conversation with her parents. See how this scene changed from a heartfelt conversation with her parents to tough love when her parents discover their daughter is only a meter maid and not a “real cop.”
- Detective Work – Judy borrows a fellow police officer’s computer to conduct research, which turns out to be no small task.
- Alternate Jumbo Pop – In this early version of the story where Nick was the main character, the filmmakers and Jason Bateman were able to take hustling to a new level.
- Hopps’ Apartment – When Judy’s entire family pays her a surprise visit they are shocked to discover the company she’s keeping.
- The Taming Party – In this emotional clip from an early version of “Zootopia,” Judy attends her first “taming party” and gains a deeper understanding of the plight of the predator.
“Try Everything” Music Video by Shakira – Shake and shimmy to Shakira and the official music video.
Visit the official ZOOTOPIA website here – http://movies.disney.com/zootopia
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