Preparing your home for a guest can be a somewhat enjoyable experience. The more you can help your guests to feel welcome and comfortable, the better. When you begin to plan out your guest room, you need to think about what you would expect from a nice hotel. You then need to try and focus on making that happen for your guests.

Provide a Comfortable Place to Sleep

Never give your guests the oldest or the dirtiest mattress you have. If you cannot afford a new one or if a used bed is out of the question, then why not think about getting a good air mattress? They are very comfortable, and they can be placed over a sofa bed mattress if you want. When you do this, you will soon find that you are able to make them feel right at home. Upgrading your bedding is also a very good idea. You don’t just need to give them clean bedding, you also need to make sure that you are providing luxurious bed linen and other comfort items where possible. Extra blankets can be offered along with ironed pillowcases.

                       Source: Pexels (CC0 License)


Supply some Extra Linen

You have to make sure that you always have some extra bed linen available to your guests. At the end of the day, spillages happen, and you may well have one of those guests who is insistent on changing the linen as they leave. If this is the case, then let them do it and make sure that you are thankful.


You also have to make sure that you are making room for a suitcase too. Clear some space to put a luggage rack or even give them a small table or bench to set their stuff down. People don’t like to reach onto the floor just to get a new pair of socks. If you don’t have anything then remember that a chair is better than nothing, so take the time to make sure that you are providing them with this at least.

Somewhere Comfortable to Sit

Some people don’t feel as though sitting on the end of a bed is comfortable. Your guest should not feel like this either. You need to give them a nice side chair or even armchair if you can. If you have an elderly guest coming over then this is even more important. You might also ask them if they need any assistance with their luggage. If your loved one is staying with you because you suspect that there is an issue at their care facility then call an assisted living facility abuse and neglect lawyer.

Clear the Deck

Don’t put out a nice collection of dolls on the dresser and also don’t fill the closet with clothes because it looks better. Instead, you need to know that less is more. You need to be more comfortable and welcoming if possible. Get rid of anything that you would not imagine being in a hotel room. Keep useful items out, such as a clock or even a calendar.