Blue’s Big City Adventure follows Josh (Josh Dela Cruz), who gets the opportunity of a lifetime to audition for Rainbow Puppy’s (Brianna Bryan) Broadway musical, and Blue (Traci Paige Johnson) as they skidoo to New York City where they meet new friends and discover the magic of music, dance and following one’s dreams. The entire Blue’s Clues crew is reunited for this special movie, with the beloved animated friends and all three hosts–Josh, Steve (Steve Burns) and Joe (Donovan Patton)–together for the first time in the Big Apple.
Blue’s Big City Adventure Special Features
- Sing-Along Songs
- Brand New Day
- We’re On Our Way
- How to Play Blue’s Clues!
- That’s My Song
- Happiness is Magic
- The Happy Puppy Dance
- Blue Finds a Clue in New York City Vlog #1
- Blue Finds a Clue in New York City Vlog #2
- Hide and Seek Toy Play #1
- Hide and Seek Toy Play #2
Blue’s Big City Adventure will be available on DVD from Paramount Home Entertainment and Nickelodeon Home Entertainment on March 28, 2023, for the suggested retail price of $10.99.
I have dogs, a cat and pigs.
I have a Shih Tzu name Oreo.
We have a dog named Zafira.
I am old when last pet passed I decided no more. BUT great niece has 2 little dogs . One her mother had before zay was born. And Princie decided he liked zay better then mommy, so he became her dog. And she got a new puppy last month don’t remember his name.
I have one cat and one dog! 🙂
I have a chihuahua named Gizmo and right now we also have my daughter’s lab, Peppa staying with us.
I have a cat named Belle Belle
I would like to have a dog again, but at my age and with my husbands allergies it’s not to be.
I have a parrot and parakeet.
I have a Frenchie, Remy
Two cats, Felicity and Mimi
And a turtle, Ralla
we have a rescue cat
We have 2 dogs and a guinea pig. We have a beagle and a shiba Inu.
I have a dog named Charlie.
I have 3 cats Nala, Bubba and Twilight.
We have American Staffordshire furbabies 🙂 There names are Winnie, Nyla and Cleo
We have two dogs and two cats.
A Dog