“That’s no moon….”

One of, if not the most, iconic images from science fiction is the Death Star. When the Millennium Falcon came out of warp into an asteroid field, that was once Alderaan, was the first time they saw the Death Star. Now, it’s above my steps….
3DLightFX sent us our very own Star Wars Death Star and since we have two boys who both like Star Wars so, we decided to hang the Death Star on the ceiling in the stairway leading to their rooms.  Not only is this cool looking, it illuminates the stairway at night so they are safe during those nightly trips down the stairs.
Installation was pretty straight forward. Honestly, the hardest part of the whole process was getting the sticker to stay on the wall while I peeled off the backing. But, that being said, it wasn’t really that hard. All you need is a bit of patience and it will go on no problem.

You’ll need a drill and a drill bit the size of the holes on the sticker to get the screws into the wall.
From there it’s just a matter of hanging the Death Star on the wall and you are done.
The light coming off it will shower the room with pinpoints of light all over, creating a wonderful look as the Death Star come busting through your wall, or in our case, ceiling. This would be a perfect night light for any Star Wars fan.

Find all of these amazing products here: http://bit.ly/TargetUSFamily

As parents ourselves, we understand the importance of providing a safe, functional and inspiring environment for our little ones. It was with this exact sentiment that our 3D Deco Lights were created.

The 3D Deco Lights are comforting, cordless, decorative night light that are loved by our tiny customers and big ones alike. The first of our popular designs is a regulation sized soccer ball that gives the playful appearance that it has been kicked into the wall. With a simple switch of the light, a soothing glow provides the necessary light for midnight changes, feedings, reassuring check-ins and, of course, to keep the ‘boogie monster’ at bay.

Tested by our most discerning critics (our partners and children), the 3D Deco/Night Lights have been an amazing addition to our nurseries, rec rooms and kids’ rooms. We look forward to hearing from you and how 3D Deco/Night Lights have made a difference in your family.

Which one will you choose?


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