PLANES is in theatres NOW, and to help you get ready for this high-flying adventure or relive it, check out some of the great fun and engaging content on’s FlewTube  


  • Planes Trailers & Clips
  • Paper Airplane Tutorials
  • Features on Remote Controlled Flyer enthusiasts
  • Introductions to parts of a plane
  • Flight-related Disney legacy content


And if you haven’t already, give your kids the chance to take flight with the characters from Disney’s PLANES in two immersive games available now on the web!

Propwash Pursuit   – Take control of Dusty and fly around Propwash Junction in an adventure game for Desktop

Jetstream Racers – Available on desktop, tablet, and mobile, help Dusty navigate courses and collect points to earn achievements and unlock characters

PLANES takes off in theaters in 3D TODAY!

For more information, check out

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