Living in a house full of boys, well you can imagine the bathroom “issues” that I face on a day-to-day basis. If you also have boys, then you know. One of the “issues” has to do with the toilet paper, well when the toilet paper is ever put back on the roller thingy that is.


For the most part, we are a “roll-over” family, well I am, I prefer the tissue to go over ALWAYS but sometimes I find it under, oh the horror! I think my entire life the toilet paper was over as opposed to under, I remember my Mom always doing this and always protesting when one of us put it on the “wrong” way.


Isn’t it funny how people have such a strong opinion about toilet paper?



Well Cottonelle recognizes this great debate and even made a website about this very issue: Cottonelle Roll Poll.  Cottonelle is designed to “roll” which ever way you deem is the correct way, which is clearly “over” in my house and according to their poll 72% of people polled agreed as well.


Which way do you roll? Over? Under? Check out the site to learn more about Cottonelle.


Disclosure: “I wrote  this review while participating in a blog campaign by Mom Central on behalf of  Cottonelle and received a sample to facilitate my candid review. Mom Central sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the  time to participate.”