Recently, Free Sample Momma was marked as being Spam according to Facebook. I am now unable to post a direct link to my legitimate site in any of my posts, unless it is through an application. When I do try to post, it says “ “This message contains blocked content that has previously been flagged as abusive or spammy.”
This also means that people cannot share a link to my page. My page is my job. I work endlessly to bring the latest free samples, coupons and more that are 100% legitimate.
I have also worked hard to build a community on Facebook for the last two years, a community that helps many business and brands who also call Facebook home. Without pages like mine, Facebook giveaways would be hard pressed, we are the ones sending the participants and providing free advertising for Facebook and for companies who have pages.
If you would take a minute and just sign your name on the Facebook Note I made, maybe we can get enough people from Free Sample Momma to let Facebook know that this page legitimate and not spam.
Thank you so much! ~Di~
Di, this has also happened to both my personal account and my blog account. This has been going on for at least 12 days and I have used the contact us link that comes up with the message box saying the account is marked as spam. I’ve not gotten a rePly but I keep doing it. I found that I can post direct links by clicking the “post” button (you can find it above the body of your status update). When you put in a link it automatically changes to “link” so just change it back to “post”. Oh and I also can’t post pictures so try and leave the pictures out.