This all-new chapter for young fans set in the world of DreamWorks Dragons follows the adventures of twin, Dak and Leyla, who because they were raised by dragons, share a unique ability to communicate them. The brother and sister lead a team of five adorable young dragons, Winger, Summer, Cutter and Burple with whom they spend their days rescuing other dragons, and helping in their adopted town of Huttsgalor.

The series features the voice talents of Nicolas Cantu (The Amazing World of Gumball, Sofia The First) as “Dak,” who is in charge of training the Rescue Riders and Brennley Brown (The Voice, Sofia The First) as “Leyla,” Dak’s twin who is a whiz on all things dragons. Voicing the young dragons are Marsai Martin (Little, Black-ish) as “Aggro,” Zach Callison (Steven Universe, The Goldbergs) as “Winger,” Skai Jackson (Jessie, Bunk’d) as “Summer, ” Noah Bentley (Adam Ruins Everything) as “Burple,” Andre Robinson (Dragons: Race to the Edge, Niko and the Sword of Light) as “Cutter.”


Befriending a Fire Dragon

Why is this fire dragon scaring all the sheep?!



The Phantom Fang
An invisible dragon that shoots green slime?!


Caved In!
The rescue riders get separated in a cave where the water levels are rising!


Ice Hopping
Will Aggro and Elbone manage to escape before they fall down a giant waterfall?!